On Sing Your Blessings, Abbie Strauss helps us look for the blessings all around us — and shining within us! Each episode will explore the blessings, and music that helps us to appreciate and bless the people, places and special moments in our lives.
Check out the Showtimes page for current show times.
About the Host
Cantor Abbie Strauss serves as the Cantor of Temple Judea in Palm Beach Gardens, FL. Abbie has over a decade of experience as a professional musician. She is classically trained in vocals, is a singer/songwriter, and has a background in piano, guitar, and saxophone. She has sung at Carnegie Hall as well as performed at NBA games! She is the founder of The Institute of Jewish Rock and a familiar and sought-after musician in the Jewish music scene. Her first albums Spark/Nitzotz and Hakol L’tovah/ It’s all good are featured in many music publications and on Jewish Rock Radio. Her new albums: Shine On/ Zoreiach and Ki Karov/ Up Close available now! Hear, see, and learn more about Abbie Strauss at abbiestrauss.com
Episode 9: Exploring Light
- Eden Strauss “Hava Nashira”
- Miss Emily “Thank You”
- Billy Jonas “Let There Be Light”
- Rick Recht “Halleluyah”
- Elana Jagoda “Oseh Shalom”
- Noah Aronson “Hinei Mah Tov (Light Up the World)”
- JJ Heller “This Little Light of Mine”
- Cantor Abbie Strauss “Modeh Ani”
- Steven Chaitman “Elohai N’shama”
- Rabbi Josh Warshawsky “Mah Rabu”
- Joe Buchanan “Hear”
- Chaim Berson “Haneshama Lach”
- Elana Jagoda “Oseh Shalom”
- Cantor Abbie Strauss “Shalom Rav”
- Melita and Isaac “Wings of Peace”
- Mama Doni “Lilah Tov Lullaby”
- Paul Sim “Today is Friday”
- Ellen Allard “God God God”
- Cantor Abbie Strauss “Let’s Build a Sukkah”
- Noah Aronson “Am I Awake”
- Rabbi Josh Warshawsky “Man Rabu”
- Joe Buchanan “Home”
- Cantor Abbie Strauss “Shake the Lulav”
- Eliana Light “The Best Me I Can Be”
- Jacob Spike Kraus “Proud 2 B”
- Rick Recht “Here for You”
- Miss Emily Celebrates “Sharing is Caring”
- Sheldon Low “Shalom, Shalom”
- Abbie Strauss “Hava Nashira”
- Joe Buchanan “Hear”
- Elana Jagoda “Zum Gali Gali”
- Shira Kline “I’ve Got That Shabbat Feeling”
- Zach Singer “Bim Bossa”
- Elana Jagoda “Bring in the Light”
- Susan Shane-Linder “Family Blessing”
- Abbie Strauss “Challah, Challah, Challah”
- Joe Buchanan “Shalom Aleichem”
- Karina Zilberman & Rebecca Schoffer “Oseh Shalom”
- Rick Recht “Kobi’s Lullaby”
- Abbie Strauss “Shalom Chaverim”
- Elana Arian “Hinei Mah Tov”
- Josh Nelson “Ayzehu Chacham”
- Nefesh Mountain “I Want to Hear Somebody Pray”
- Jason Mesches “Something Funny Made Me Laugh”
- Ellen Allard “God God God”
- Cindy Paley “The Mishpacha Song”
- Steven Chaitman “All Together (Hinei Mah Tov)”
- Miss Emily Celebrates “All The World’s Animals”
- Jeff Klepper “This Is Very Good”
- Joanie Leeds “If You Go”
- Abbie Strauss “Modeh Ani”
- Sheldon Low “Tomer the Turtle”
- Linda Arnold “There’s A Dinosaur”
- Debbie Brukman “Walking Down the Street”
- Jay Rapoport “Today Is The Best Day”
- Melita & Isaac “Peace Like A River”
- Abbie Strauss “Tree of Life”
- Craig Taubman “The World is a Circle”
- Sheldon Low “Ha Geshem”
- Rick Recht “The Rainbow Song”
- Menachem Creditor “Modeh Ani”
- Joanie Leeds “Tikkun Olam”
- Peter & Ellen Allard “Building a Better World”